I've been a little busy since I last rambled on, thanks for sticking around. The biggest of course being my debut solo exhibition. Yup, Incase you missed it ( which I find hard to believe if you follow me lol ) I held and am stilling holding an exhibition of colour, feeling and well everything about me. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to go through with it, but I did and I'm so damn happy about it.
My art, is me. Its everything I feel, hope, believe and want. Its personal, Its emotional, its real and honest. Which as you can image, makes it terrifying to put out there to the world. Its one thing to post on the socials, its another to display it to the world ( well Perth anyways ).But I did it, and wow does it feel good. Emotional, but good.
What started with an idea at the beginning of the year, turned in to many hours of manic emotional painting and a need to fill one of the most magnificant walls I've ever seen. Yes I believe walls can be magnificent, sexy, amazing. The beauty in the bricks, if only they could talk. If they could I'm sure they would tell me that they love having my work displayed on them :) I caught myself one afternoon, a little manic and edgy, ready to take on the world. Well maybe the art word at least. I put it out there and the legend that is Steve @ Henry's on Eighth said " let go for it " cue panic and self doubt.

Going through a bit of a state, I painted. I turned to the brushes and the paint, to do what I know helps make me calm. To what heals me. To my therapy. I painted and boy did I paint. Day, night, before work, after work. Paint, Create, A little sleep, Repeat. Happy but emotional days. Slowly and surely I healed, with every creation I felt a little less crazy. I'll be honest, its been a rough few months mentally and physically, but my gosh I'm so grateful for the art. Not to mention the support of my world and family around me. The emotional state is often so hard to articulate verbally. I paint what I can not say.
It was during this time and well always, I read and got lost in the words of Virginia Woolf. Her words often transported me to place I needed to be. A place within myself, a place I can paint and share with you all. The many places now hanging on the incredible red brick wall at Henry on Eighth. Sometimes the titles of the works came first and I painted to those words, other times the painting came first. While you may not have ever read Virgina Woolfe, or absorbed abstract art, I'd love for you to give it a try. Find the words that speak to you, find the colours that express what you feel. Find the creativity that heals you. And if you need a little inspiration the works are on display for another week. If you get down there, let me know I'd love to join you and talk all things art and Virgina Woolf.
As I sit here typing this on a Sunday afternoon, I am in a state of contentment. I am proud of my vulnerability and I am so beyond grateful for the words and art therapy that got me here.
For all of those who came opening night, for all of you who have purchased, shared my exhibition, congratulated me and for all of those who believe I could THANK YOU. Somehow thank you doesn't quite feel enough to express the feelings of gratitude and happiness I have at this time. Bloody legends the lot of you.
If you get a chance to see the exhibition I'd love to see some snaps. If you've already been epic and checked it out, what did you think? what was your favourite? Did something resonate with you? I'd love to know. Hit me up - Lets talk about it!
For now, I'm going back to the sketchbook. Back to the start. Back to creating what I feel, always nurturing the healing power of creating.
Until next time, always read, always create.
Love Tish xx
